Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Holiday Weight-Loss

Drstaceyny would like to believe that she lives in a diet-free world. . . but she does not. A reporter recently contacted me and asked for trends in weight-loss that might be influenced by the economy, the holiday season, etc.

Are people changing the way they lose weight? Are they foregoing formal diet programs (e.g., Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, WW) and tossing their diet books, trying to go at it alone?



Unknown said...

I think it is more along the lines of everyone is photocopying the material of their friends who have once been paying for it, and then doing it on their own.

H. said...

according to google trends data in the US, there are two spike, the biggest one every year is right around Jan 1, which is sharp spike from the slight downward trend that begins around the holidays. The next bump is around the summer. This held true even if least year in the middle of the recession. Now that doesn't mean they're still going to a program. While Weight watchers had the same level of interest, searches for Jenny Craig are way down.

At leas here in grad school people are either not caring, losing weight on their own, or just trying to stay fit the cheapest way possible. But grad students always live like it's a recession, no matter how much a Bull Market it is. lol.

LG said...

I think a lot of people are ditching their gym memberships because of the cost in favor of getting outside.

Anonymous said...

I think people are cutting their yoga memberships and gym memberships and working out outside. I work at a ED rehab and we have seen a drop in clients because of the economy. Even the wealthiest are reconsidering putting their daughter in a $40, 000 facility for a larger, less structured $10,000 facility.

Carrie said...
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azusmom said...

As a pilates teacher, I'm definitely seeing a decrease in clients. 'Cause if you have to choose between pilates and food, um, you should probably choose food, lol!

Eating With Others said...

I hope people are realizing that diet's just don't work. If you change your life style you can drop weight. You don't have to diet.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing it alone, just me and the gym and my bicycle and the great outdoors.

Unknown said...

I've discovered Intuitive Eating...relearning what we knew as children before our brains got involved and started creating all these "shoulds". You can't overfeed a baby...we know how to listen to our bodies, we just forgot how! No expensive diets necessary!