Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Weeks Keep on Coming!

Did you know that this week is Fat Talk Free Week?  Check it out here!

Can you commit, for the remaining few days, not to utter a word about your body or anyone else's?  I know, I know, there may still be that silly negativity squatting in your head.  But, at least for conversational purposes, can we spend the rest of the week avoiding comments about weight, shape, or size?  Can we, if approached by others to join in such dialogue, respond like Jessica Weiner does?  ("I'm sorry, I don't speak that language.") And can we, freed up from useless chatter, use our time and energy to connect with others in a more meaningful and authentic way?

Try it out.
Take the pledge.
Then tell me, what will you talk about instead?

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