Monday, August 04, 2014

Defining Plus-Size

Plus-size model Robyn Lawley made waves on the internet a couple of weeks ago by posting an unedited, bikini-clad photo of herself on Instagram:

Photo: Robyn Lawley/Instagram

The controversy? That Lawley is defined as plus-size.

Many were outraged that the tall, thin model could ever be considered too curvy or heavy for "normal-size" modeling. But the lanky (6'2"!), Size 12 beauty is certainly plus-size when you consider that the average American model wears a Size 0 and that Size 6 is often considered plus-size.

So, yes, Lawley is thin and yes, she's plus-size. In an industry where skinny is lauded at all costs, where models' "flaws" are airbrushed into oblivion, and where Size 000 now exists, Lawley, though thinner than the average American woman, is simply too big for mainstream modeling.

You can find Does Every Woman Have an Eating Disorder? Challenging Our Nation's Fixation with Food and Weight on Amazon (as a paperback and Kindle) and at

1 comment:

Meliss said...

i am always appalled by this. i have a very slim friend who models plus size wedding gowns!

how does this happen? what's the appeal of seeing a super skinny woman wearing clothes - i will NEVER look like they do in those outfits.

i read this about Eileen Ford, founder of Ford Models, "Eileen claimed that the girls who came to her to be models were generally 16 pounds overweight."
